What To Expect From A Water Softener
Posted on:
4 April 2016
If you have noticed that your soap and shampoo doesn't lather as well as it should, or that your laundry looks dull and dingy, you may be wondering how to solve the problem. These are common signs that your water is "hard water" and contains high levels of magnesium and calcium. To correct the problem, you will need a water softener that removes the magnesium and calcium from your water. However, a water softener alone will not solve all your laundry and cleaning problems.
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Cleaning And Maintaining Your Silk Velvet Drapes
Posted on:
22 February 2016
From adding color and texture for decorative purposes to insulating your windows against the harsh temperatures of summer and winter, it is easy to see the importance of window treatments. While valances, blinds, and shutters are common options, opting for classic draperies in elegant fabrics is a great way to add personality to your home. Considering silk velvet was first used thousands of years ago in China and Egypt, using these elegant draperies is a choice that will stand the test of time.
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Install Hardwood Floors To Make A Smaller Home Appear Bigger
Posted on:
16 February 2016
Many retirees in Ohio are moving into smaller homes. The Columbus Dispatch reports that, over the next 15 years, 120,000 people in Central Ohio are expected to downsize their homes after they turn 65. That figure doesn't include seniors elsewhere in the state. If you're nearing retirement and live in Ohio, you may soon be purchasing a home that's smaller than your current one. You don't have to live in a home that looks small, though.
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Dress Your Windows Up for Winter and Save Money on Energy
Posted on:
3 February 2016
If your windows are older than a few years old, you likely notice a lack of performance when it comes to insulating your home and supporting optimal indoor temperatures throughout the year. Replacing your windows altogether to protect your home and save energy can be a costly endeavor, but there are a few things you can do to enhance the performance of your current windows without the need for a complete replacement.
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